Development of physical models for the formation of acoustic waves at artillery shots and study of the possibility of separate registration of waves of various types
artillery shot, ballistic wave, muzzle wave, recording of acoustic signals, microphoneAbstract
Physical models of the formation of ballistic and muzzle waves generated during an artillery shot have been developed and investigated. A promising method for assessing the degree of wear of artillery barrels is the acoustic non-contact method. However, its implementation requires separate records of the ballistic and muzzle waves. A series of physical models have been developed to assess the possibility of such a recording. A model for calculating parameters of a ballistic wave accompanying an artillery shot has been built. The proposed model features replacement of the problem of spatial axisymmetric streamlining the shell surface by the problem of plane streamlining the wedge. The model makes it possible to determine the value of the angle of inclination of the oblique shock to the direction of the oncoming flow depending on the Mach number. Calculation of pressure of the powder gases flowing from the muzzle section of the barrel behind the shell is based on the application of the law of energy conservation for compressed powder gases. This avoids solving the complex modified Lagrange problem. Calculations show that the muzzle wave pressure changes in the range (30...300) MPa. A physical model of the muzzle wave propagation at the initial stage of the outflow of powder gases from the bore was proposed. During propagation of the muzzle wave, a situation is possible at an initial stage in which this wave reaches the recording point before the ballistic wave. This situation can occur if the range angles and the wedge taper are small. This phenomenon can be avoided by appropriate angle selection. The proposed model determines the law of propagation of the muzzle wave and makes it possible to estimate the rate of its attenuation. It has been established that measuring microphones recording the actual ballistic wave can be located at distances of 50÷500 m from the barrel. The developed models are useful in practice. It is possible to estimate the initial speed of the shell and the degree of barrel wear by separate recording the ballistic and muzzle wavesReferences
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