Formation of spherulites and pentagonal quasicrystals in metals being electrodeposited
Spherulite, Pentagonal Quasicrystal, Liquid State, Electrodeposited Metal, Undercooling, Superfast SolidificationAbstract
The aim of the work was experimental verification of validity of the phenomenon of phase formation through a stage of liquid state in metals being electrodeposited. The idea of the work was based on the known fact, that at minor undercooling of melt solidification of metal usually occurs in dendritic form, and at significant undercooling of melt dendritic form transfers to spherulite one. At that spherulites, as a rule, are being formed on the interface between metal and a melting-pot. Besides, superfast solidification of greatly undercooled melt causes formation of quasicrystals with pentagonal symmetry. Therefore, if metals being electrodeposited really pass through a stage of undercooled liquid state and rapidly solidify at the deposition temperature, than spherulite forms of crystallization and pentagonal quasicrystals should be detected in their layers adjacent to the cathode. As the result of experimental investigations accomplished by the method of scanning electron microscopy formation of spherulites and pentagonal quasicrystals in the adjacent to the cathode layers of metals (copper, lead and cobalt) being electrodeposited was discovered. It is shown, that presence of spherulites and pentagonal quasicrystals in electrodeposited metals is the result of superfast solidification of undercooled liquid metallic phase being formed during electrochemical deposition of metals. Formation of spherulites and pentagonal quasicrystals in the adjacent to the cathode layers of metals being electrodeposited proves the validity of the phenomenon of phase formation through a stage of liquid state in metals being electrodeposited.
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