Influence of the nature of polymer on properties of modified bitumen
bitumen, bitumen emulsion, polymer modified bitumen, polymeric petroleum resins, adhesionAbstract
The causes of poor quality of road pavement were considered in the paper, and it was shown that one of the ways of its improvement is using known and new polymers as bitumen modifiers. The influence of different modifiers on the performance characteristics of modified bitumens (softening temperature, penetration, ductility, and adhesion of binders) has been studied. The optimal conditions for obtaining the polymer modified bitumens (PMB) have been determined and the optimal ratio of modifier - bitumen that allows to obtain samples, which meet the requirements of regulatory documents (DSTU B V.2.7 -135: 2007 Polymer modified bitumen. Specifications.) has been shown. A relatively simple technique that allows to obtain reproductive outcomes, characterizing the dependence of the PMB adhesion properties on the environmental temperature, has been developed. It is recommended to use a polymeric petroleum resin with carboxyl groups (PPRC) and indene-coumarone resin (ICR) as additives that significantly improve the adhesive properties of bitumen.
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