The analysis of the electronic devices substrates roughness testing methods
substrate, surface quality, roughness, testing methods, profilometer, іnterferometer, technological processAbstract
Reliability and stability of the finished product depend largely on the electronic component substrate surface quality. The thickness of the layers, deposited on the substrate should not exceed tens or hundreds of angstroms, and the roughness of such surfaces - units of angstroms.
The analysis of the basic testing methods of the substrate surface roughness for electronic products, during which the main features, advantages and disadvantages of these methods are identified, is performed in the paper. The conclusion on the need to improve the considered control methods is drawn.
Roughness control automation, which will allow promptly obtain information about the control object and effectively manage the technological process of manufacturing substrates for electronic devices, is defined as the urgent task.
Also, following the analysis results, further research direction for solving the tasks on developing technology for automated roughness control, based on the interference method is selected.
Thus, the authors performed systematization of provisions that may be useful to specialists-technologists in creating non-destructive testing methods, ensuring high accuracy and reliability of the obtained results.
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