Improvement of organizational and technological system optimization of routing transportations of cargoes
unified freight car fleet management system, operator company, exit routeAbstract
Organization and optimization of forming consignor routes by various carriers, transport operators, by railways in cars taking into account the analysis is considered. It was found that the average gross weight of a block train on Ukrainian railways is lower than the economically sound weight, although it increased from 3225 tonnes to 3433 tonnes for the 2001-2013.
The model for determining cost savings in transportation of the route with bulk cargo from one consignor based on technical and economic comparison of transportation of route assignments during their planning is considered.
It is shown that using the model allows to determine savings on operating costs when organizing the routes in hoppers from the Zolotnishino station of the Southern Railway to consignees in both international, and domestic traffic.
The proposed formation model allows to take into account car traffic flow fluctuations, power of infrastructure and sidings of consignors and consignees.
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