The mathematical model of non-certified fuel combustion




mathematical model, uncertified gas, calorific value of gas, steam boiler, common steam pipe


The process of uncertified fuel combustion with a variable calorific value of gas at a petroleum refinery for generating steam is considered in the paper. The main purpose of the paper is to develop a mathematical model of three steam boilers, working for one steam pipe, for combustion of gas fuels of varying composition. Effective combustion of the uncertified fuel will allow reducing not only СО2 emissions to the environment, but also reducing the consumption of natural gas. In the proposed model, the incremental equations were considered to linearize them. The given mathematical model allows obtaining a predetermined steam rate for the gases under consideration. This model is applicable to gas fuel with a variable calorific value in a petroleum refinery. The next step for solving the problem is to automate the process of boiler control.

Author Biographies

Татьяна Сергеевна Добровольская, Odessa National Polytechnic University Shevchenko Ave 1, Odessa, Ukraine, 65044

Graduate student

Department of automation of processes of heat power

Максим Витальевич Максимов, Odessa National Polytechnic University Shevchenko Ave 1, Odessa, Ukraine, 65044

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of Department

Department of automation of processes of heat power

Вадим Феликсович Ложечников, Odessa National Polytechnic University Shevchenko Ave 1, Odessa, Ukraine, 65044


Department of automation of processes of heat power

Андрей Владимирович Бондаренко, Odessa National Polytechnic University Shevchenko Ave 1, Odessa, Ukraine, 65044

Graduate student

Department of automation of processes of heat power


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How to Cite

Добровольская, Т. С., Максимов, М. В., Ложечников, В. Ф., & Бондаренко, А. В. (2014). The mathematical model of non-certified fuel combustion. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2(8(68), 44–51.



Energy-saving technologies and equipment