Information processing psychodiagnostic system: designing and implementation




Internet of Things, microcontroller, WiFi module, GSM module, information processing system, psychodiagnostic research, fuzzy sets


The reasons for the creation of a modern psychodiagnostic system are considered. The design and implementation of an information processing system using the structure of the reference model of the Internet of Things is proposed. The existing psychodiagnostic tools and a number of disadvantages are described. In the process of developing the system design, requirements were formed: three-dimensional representation of signals, remote control of the diagnostic process, data collection, transmission and storage on a remote server, processing of results, expert assessment. The main two tasks of the study are formed. The structure of an information processing system containing four blocks interacting with each other is presented. The principle of operation of the system provides for the transfer of data for testing and saving the results on a cloud server using WiFi or GPRS connection. The Thingspeak cloud service used provides guaranteed access to research data "anytime and from anywhere in the world." Data exchange occurs every 15 seconds when using the free version and with a cycle of up to 1 second when using the cloud on a commercial basis. The models of LED-cube, LED-ball, LED panels diagnosed using addressable digital RGB LEDs with built-in WS2812B microcontrollers (PRC) have been developed. A method for assessing the influence of various types of load on the functional state of a person is proposed. Scenarios of data processing for the formation of a subject's profile in the case of unclear classes are considered. The importance of developing such a system lies in the possibility of using various types of communication for data transmission and the ability to adapt it to non-standard research requirements

Author Biographies

Valentine Lazurik, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor

Department of Systems and Technologies Modeling

Nicolay Styervoyedov, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of Department

Department of Electronics and Control Systems

Natalia Varlamova, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University


Department of Electronics and Control Systems


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How to Cite

Lazurik, V., Styervoyedov, N., & Varlamova, N. (2021). Information processing psychodiagnostic system: designing and implementation. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2(9 (110), 45–54.



Information and controlling system