Optimization of the HACCP safety control system for collagen hydrolysate production by implementing the FMEA model





collagen hydrolysate safety, HACCP, CCP, critical limit, FMEA, enzymatic hydrolysis


This study was carried out to determine the impact of the HACCP control system on the safety of the final products of collagen hydrolysate production. The object of the study was equine connective tissue. Using the FMEA model, established by a three-factor assessment of the risk priority number (RPN), critical control points (CCP) in the processes of hydrolysis, inactivation of the enzyme preparation, drying and storage were identified. For two CCP, measures for continuous monitoring were identified, and critical limits were developed. For CCT 1, the calculation of optimal fermentation processes using a mathematical model for the hydrolysis of raw materials is given. The optimal values of the Neutrase enzyme, providing a maximum content of water-soluble proteins of 55.0 mg/cm3, were determined: T=37 °C, dosage 5 Pa/g, t=210 min.

For CCP 2, to avoid protein denaturation during hydrolysis, a critical limit was developed by determining the heat inactivation point and optimum temperature. Experimental analyses show that the inactivation point of the Neutrase enzyme, estimated by the rate of FTN accumulation, which has 20 % at 60 °C, is reached at the 11th minute.

As a result of the study, the effect of enzyme preparations on the safety of collagen hydrolysate was also determined. The result confirms that the Neutrase enzyme preparation had a positive effect on all safety indicators compared to the Trypsin enzyme. The optimal parameters for reducing microbiological indicators, pesticides, antibiotic and toxic metals are: T=40 °C, duration 210 min, dosage of the Neutrase enzyme 5 units/Pa.

The results can be used in collagen hydrolysate production to better ensure the quality and safety of the final product

Author Biographies

Assemay Kazhymurat, Almaty Technological University

Master of Technical Science

Department of Food Safety and Quality

Raushangul Uazhanova, Almaty Technological University

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Department of Food Safety and Quality

Dinara Tlevlesova, Almaty Technological University


Department of Food Processing Machines and Apparatuses

Nurshash Zhexenbay, Almaty Technological University

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Food technology

Ulbala Tungyshbayeva, Almaty Technological University


Department of Food Safety and Quality

Saverio Mannino, Almaty Technological University

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Department of Food Safety and Quality


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How to Cite

Kazhymurat, A., Uazhanova, R., Tlevlesova, D. ., Zhexenbay, N., Tungyshbayeva, U., & Mannino, S. (2021). Optimization of the HACCP safety control system for collagen hydrolysate production by implementing the FMEA model. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2(11 (110), 50–60. https://doi.org/10.15587/1729-4061.2021.230318



Technology and Equipment of Food Production