Review of existing control systems that are used on unmanned aerial vehicles
automatic control systems, machine learning, intelligent control systemsAbstract
The aim of the work is to systematize the information on automatic control systems that are used on unmanned aerial vehicles for the selection and further use of combined control methods in the new automatic control system that can withstand unknown external disturbances with guaranteed accuracy.
Adaptive, optimal and robust control systems are considered. Advantages and disadvantages of adaptive control systems with intelligent control, in particular, using the neural networks are investigated. The issues of eliminating drawbacks, inherent in this type of adaptive automatic control systems are considered. Hybrid control architecture is reviewed. The synthesis of optimal control systems is examined.
Advantages and disadvantages of using optimal control systems in conditions of uncertain external disturbances are given in the paper. Robust automatic control systems with robust adaptation algorithms are considered. Using the game theory in automatic control systems is studied.
Conclusions about the feasibility of using a set of adaptive, intelligent and robust control methods to create a control system with the guaranteed accuracy of observing the specified parameters in conditions of uncertain external perturbations are drawn.
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