Justifying the prolongation of the service life of the bearing structure of a tank car when using Y25 bogies





transport mechanics, tank car, load-bearing structure, dynamic load, structural strength, design service life


This paper substantiates the use of Y25 bogies under tank cars in order to prolong their service life. The reported study has been carried out for a tank car with rated parameters, as well as the actual ones, registered during full-scale research. Mathematical modeling was performed to determine the basic indicators of the tank car dynamics. The differential equations of motion were solved by a Runge-Kutta method using the Mathcad software package (USA). It was established that the use of Y25 bogies under a tank car with rated parameters could reduce the acceleration of its bearing structure by almost 39 % compared to the use of standard 18‒100 bogies.

Applying the Y25 bogies under a tank car with the actual parameters reduces the acceleration of its load-bearing structure by almost 50 % compared to the use of standard 18‒100 bogies.

The derived acceleration values were taken into consideration when calculating the bearing structure of a tank car for strength. The calculation was performed using the SolidWorks Simulation software package (France). The resulting stress values are 18 % lower than the stresses acting on the load-bearing structure of a tank car equipped with 18‒100 bogies.

For the load-bearing structure of a tank car with the actual parameters, the maximum equivalent stresses are 16 % lower than the stresses when the 18‒100 bogies are used.

The design service life of the load-bearing structure of a tank car was estimated taking into consideration the use of Y25 bogies. The calculations showed that the design service life of the bearing structure of a tank car equipped with Y25 bogies is more than twice as high as that obtained for 18‒100 bogies.

The study reported here would contribute to compiling recommendations for prolonging the service life of the load-bearing structures of tank cars

Author Biographies

Oleksij Fomin, State University of Infrastructure and Technologies

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Department of Cars and Carriage Facilities

Alyona Lovska, Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Wagon Engineering and Product Quality

Kseniia Ivanchenko, National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Computer Modeling of Processes and Systems

Ievgen Medvediev, Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University


Department of Logistics Management and Traffic Safety in Transport


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How to Cite

Fomin, O., Lovska, A., Ivanchenko, K., & Medvediev, I. (2021). Justifying the prolongation of the service life of the bearing structure of a tank car when using Y25 bogies. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 3(7 (111), 6–14. https://doi.org/10.15587/1729-4061.2021.231622



Applied mechanics