Parameters optimization of centrifugal juicer with auto-balancer by minimization of time of autobalancing occurred
centrifugal juicer, auto-balancer, parameters optimization, multifactorial experiment, regression functionAbstract
A method for optimizing the parameters of passive auto-balancer in rotary machines in terms of minimizing the functional quality as a decay time of transition. It is based on the theory of planning multifactorial experiment, analysis of the experimental data using programs STATISTICA_6, MathCad. Technique is aimed at:
– construction of the approximating model correlation between functional quality and controlling factors of a rotary machine with auto-balancer;
– search the factor values for constructed model at which the functional quality takes the smallest and largest value.
Correlation is constructed as the equality of two functional expressions. Left-hand side is the expression relative to the functional quality. Right-hand side is the expression on the factors. The specifics of the problem is that the predicted minimum value of the functional quality should not be less than the acceleration time of the rotor.
As the right-hand side offered two varieties of functions: theTaylorseries expansion in powers of the factors of the first and second order; with hyperbolic components. As the left side proposed three types of functions, suitable for finding the values of the functional quality, respectively the largest, smallest, as the smallest and largest.
Was conducted testing the proposed method for 3D model of juicer with auto-balancer.
The proposed method may be standard in the optimization of the parameters of passive auto-balancers in rotary machines by time decay of transients.
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