Reducing the dynamic load in ropes of drum hoists
hoists, dynamic loads, damping devices in ropes, dissipation factor, dynamic factorAbstract
Dynamic power transients in the rope wire of single-drum and double-drum hoists taking into account the dissipation of ropes and damping devices, which significantly absorb longitudinal vibrations, reduce the amplitude and time of vibration damping are considered in the paper. Oscillatory processes in hoist ropes are described by differential equations in moments of elastic forces with constant factors and graphically shown on the oscillograms. Dynamic parameters of hoist ropes (maximum amplitude of dynamic moment, stationary dynamic loads, rope dynamic factor) when varying the dissipation factor of damping devices are determined. As a result of researches, the dependencies of dynamic factors of hoist ropes on varying the values of dissipation factor of damping devices are constructed, which show that, with an increase in the dissipation factor, dynamic factor of long ropes reaches almost 1 and of short ropes decreases slower because of their high rigidity. Using damping devices will allow to reduce the dynamic loads in the hoist ropes and improve performance characteristics of hoists in general.
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