Design of a recommendation system based on the transition graph




recommendation system, web graph, transition graph, Markov chain, random walk


A recommendation system has been built for a web resource’s users that applies statistics about user activities to provide recommendations. The purpose of the system operation is to provide recommendations in the form of an orderly sequence of HTML pages of the resource suggested for the user. The ranking procedure uses statistical information about user transitions between web resource pages. The web resource model is represented in the form of a web graph; the user behavior model is shown as a graph of transitions between resource pages. The web graph is represented by an adjacency matrix; for the transition graph, a weighted matrix of probabilities of transitions between the vertices of the graph has been constructed. It was taken into consideration that user transitions between pages of a web resource may involve entering a URL in the address bar of a browser or by clicking on a link in the current page. The user’s transition between vertices in a finite graph according to probabilities determined by the weight of the graph’s edges is represented by a homogeneous Markov chain and is considered a process of random walk on the graph with the possibility of moving to a random vertex. Random Walk with Restarts was used to rank web resource pages for a particular user. Numerical analysis has been performed for an actual online store website. The initial data on user sessions are divided into training and test samples. According to the training sample, a weighted matrix of the probability of user transitions between web resource pages was constructed. To assess the quality of the built recommendation system, the accuracy, completeness, and Half-life Utility metrics were used. On the elements of the test sample, the accuracy value of 65‒68 % was obtained, the optimal number of elements in the recommendation list was determined. The influence of model parameters on the quality of recommendation systems was investigated.

Author Biographies

Natalia Guk, Oles Honchar Dnipro National University

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Head of Department

Department of Computer Technologies

Olga Verba, Oles Honchar Dnipro National University

Senior Lecturer

Department of Computer Technologies

Vladyslav Yevlakov, Oles Honchar Dnipro National University

Postgraduate Student

Department of Computer Technologies


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How to Cite

Guk, N., Verba, O., & Yevlakov, V. (2021). Design of a recommendation system based on the transition graph. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 3(4 (111), 24–31.



Mathematics and Cybernetics - applied aspects