Structural-parametric optimization of the technological processes for the assurance of part’s service properties




multicriteriaoptimization, function-oriented technology, optimizationcriteria, Product Lifecycle Management


Manufacturing application of the Product Lifecycle Management System (PLM) requires functional-oriented technology engineering production. The main feature of functionally-oriented process is application of a complex system qualimetric versatility indicator at the stages of pre-production. This will allow to significantly affect to the provision of working, exploitation, utilization, and other functional properties of engineering products. Method of structural and parametric optimization of functional-oriented machining products is described in the article. This method is based on an analysis of prognostic rheological modeling of the parts stressstrain and thermodynamic state in the process of formation. The formalization of recursive relations between structural and parametric results of technological preproduction planning and product’s operating conditions will provide the best range of qualimetric indicators by the concurrent engineering facilities. Qualimetric integral criterion of technical product is a objective function in making decisions about the optimal structure and parameters of functionally-oriented process. This parameter characterizes the wear resistance, fatigue strength, corrosion resistance and so most loaded surfaces of the product. The integral qualimetric criterion formed as a result of the analysis microtopography surface layer, residual stresses and strains in the formation of these surfaces.

The algorithm of the complex system qualimetric versatility indicator accounting for the engineering products in their potential or critical operation conditions as part of a machine or technological system is described in this article. This algorithm uses accounting heuristic weight coefficients, calculation of normalized local optimization criteria for the most commonly used in engineering practice working indicators

Author Biography

Вадим Володимирович Ступницький, NationalUniversity“LvivPolytechnik” Profesorska 2, Lviv, Ukraine, 79013

PhD, Department of Manufacturing Engineering

Institute of Engineering Mechanics and Transport


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How to Cite

Ступницький, В. В. (2014). Structural-parametric optimization of the technological processes for the assurance of part’s service properties. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2(3(68), 9–16.



Control processes