Development of the method for encoding service data in cryptocompression image representation systems
cryptocompression, service component, information protection, floating scheme, differentiated basis, imageAbstract
The demand for image confidentiality is constantly growing. At the same time, ensuring the confidentiality of video information must be organized subject to ensuring its reliability with a given time delay in processing and transmission. Methods of cryptocompression representation of images can be used to solve this problem. They are designed to simultaneously provide compression and protection of video information. The service component is used as the key of the cryptocompression transformation. However, it has a significant volume. It is 25 % of the original video data volume. A method for coding systems of service components in a differentiated basis on the second cascade of cryptocompression representation of images has been developed. The method is based on the developed scheme of data linearization from three-dimensional coordinates of representation in a two-dimensional matrix into a one-dimensional coordinate for one-to-one representation of this element in a vector. Linearization is organized horizontally line by line. On the basis of the developed method, a non-deterministic number of code values of information components is formed. They have non-deterministic lengths and are formed on a non-deterministic number of elements. The uncertainty of positioning of cryptocompression codograms in the general code stream is provided, which virtually eliminates the possibility of their unauthorized decryption. The method provides a reduction in the volume of the service component of the cryptocompression codogram. The service data volume is 6.25 % of the original video data volume. The method provides an additional reduction in the volume of cryptocompression representation of images without loss of information quality relative to the original video data on average from 1.08 to 1.54 times, depending on the degree of their saturation
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