Development of sedimentation resistant water-acrylic titanium dioxide dispersions




water-acrylic compositions, adsorption, titanium dioxide, sodium polyacrylate, polyether siloxane copolymer


According to the results of the research, the effect of stabilization of dispersions of titanium dioxide in water-acrylic compositions was established. It was proved that in aqueous-acrylic suspensions at all variations of film-forming agent (from 0 to 5 g/dm3), the maximum of stabilizing activity of the surfactants under study is achieved at CSAS=0.25 g/dm3. The minimum deposition rate of titanium dioxide dispersions at a dosing of 0.25 g/dm3 of sodium polyacrylate was at the level of 0.097 10-3 g/s at any content of film-forming agent (Cff=0.5÷5 g/dm3) in suspensions. At the introduction of the same concentration (CSAS=0.25 g/dm3) of the polyether siloxane copolymer, a decrease in sedimentation rate to 0.053 10-3 g/s in suspensions with a limited acryl content (C≤1 g/dm3) was recorded. At an increase in the concentration of a film-forming agent (C>1 g/dm3) in suspensions, sedimentation stability decreased, which is proved by an increase in the sedimentation rate of TiO2 to 0.110∙10-3 g/s at Cff=5.0 g/dm3. It was found that in aqueous-acrylic suspensions with the film-forming content from 0.5 to 1 g/dm3, the minimum average diameter was 2.64÷3.1 μm CSAS=0.25 g/dm3. Further concentration of acryl (Cff=4÷5 g/dm3) at the same dosage of polyether siloxane copolymer was accompanied by an increase in the average particle size up to 4.30÷4.61 μm. The maximum of wedging activity of sodium polyacrylate (CSAS=0.25 g/dm3) corresponds to the same minimum of the average diameter (2–3 μm).

Supporting Agency

  • This research was funded by the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Grant No. AP08856284).

Author Biographies

Antonina Dyuryagina, Manash Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University

PhD, Associate Professor, Head of Department

Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technologies

Aida Lutsenko, Manash Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University

Master of Engineering

Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technologies


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How to Cite

Dyuryagina, A., & Lutsenko, A. (2021). Development of sedimentation resistant water-acrylic titanium dioxide dispersions. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 4(6(112), 51–59.



Technology organic and inorganic substances