Floated gyroscope errors on a resonance level in the field of ultrasonic beam
wave coincidence, angle coincidence, acoustic transparency, float suspension, wave sizeAbstract
The nature of additional errors of a single-degree-of-freedom floated gyroscope in the field of an ultrasonic beam on the resonance level was disclosed.
A computational model of the wave coincidence phenomenon in the gyro suspension was built assuming a large wave size of the housing that enabling the provision of analytical support of the problem under consideration in the elementary, flat section of the housing frame.
A decisive influence of ultrasonic radiation on the resonance level of wave coincidence was first theoretically justified and practically proved in the bench certification of the industrial design of the floated gyroscope.
The research results can be used in the aerospace industry to take into account the risk of wave coincidence in the gyroscope suspension, manifestation of “acoustic transparency” effect of the device and the rapid growth of the measurement error.
The obtained results can form the basis of bench certification of hypersonic aircraft airborne equipment.References
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