Improving the methods for determining the index of quality of subsystem element interaction
man-machine system, technology of determining interaction, means of index assessment, assessment conditionsAbstract
It was proposed to improve the existing method of determining the quality of interaction of the elements of subsystems of the Machine Operator-Machining Center-Control Program for manufacturing parts (MO-MC-CP) system. This method combines estimates of social (machine operator), technical (machining center), and informational (control program for manufacturing parts) subsystems. Improvements were achieved through the use of four independent indices which are defined separately. One index takes into account single, double and triple interactions of integrated indicators where values of specific weight of weight coefficients depend on the sample size. The other three indices are a synergistic effect where the weight coefficients do not depend on the sample size. Therefore, the model of this index was modified at the expense of additional subsystems.
Existing approaches to determining the indices are not focused on the assessment of the quality of interaction of the MO-MC-CP system, have software limitations, and work with limited sample sizes. With this in mind, it was decided to improve the existing tools of determining the quality indices of interaction to assess levels of interaction of the subsystem elements.
The proposed software-implemented methods and the technology of index assessment improve the efficiency of the assessment of complex systems. Experimental verification has shown the superiority of interaction quality indices over those in the existing methods. A sign of efficiency is as follows: a smaller value of mean-square deviation of the proposed indices in comparison with the existing ones: S(ІQI1)=0.812; S(ІQI2)=0.271; S(ІQI3)=0.675; S(ІQI4)=0.57 and S(І)=0.947; S(І)=0.833; S(І)=0.594, respectively.
The results obtained in the study of the interaction quality index are useful and important because they make it possible to better assess the interaction of subsystem elements and apply the proposed technology at industrial enterprises.
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