Devising a method for improving the efficiency of artillery shooting based on the Markov model
artillery unit, firing efficiency, acoustic field of shot, Markov model, generalized criterion of effectivenessAbstract
This paper reports a method for improving the firing efficiency of an artillery unit that results in enhanced effectiveness. Given the modern use of artillery for counter-battery warfare, the effectiveness of shooting is not enough assessed by accuracy only. It is also necessary to take into consideration and minimize the time spent by the unit in the firing position and the consumption of shells to hit the target.
It has been shown that in order to assess the effectiveness of an artillery shot due to the initial velocity of the projectile, the most rapid and simple means is to classify the quality of the shot by the acoustic field. A procedure for categorizing the shot has been improved by applying an automatic classifier with training based on a machine of support vectors with the least squares. It is established that the error in the classification of the effectiveness of the second shot does not exceed 0.05. The concept of the effectiveness of a single artillery shot was introduced. Under the conditions of intense shooting, there may be accidental disturbances in each shot due to the wear of the charging chamber of the gun, its barrel, and incomplete information about the powder charge. When firing involves disturbances, the firing of an artillery unit can be described by a model of a discrete Markov chain. Based on the Markov model, a method for improving the efficiency of artillery fire has been devised. The method is based on the identification of guns that produce ineffective shots. The fire control phase of the unit has been introduced. In the process of controlling the fire of the unit, such guns are excluded from further firing. A generalized criterion for the effectiveness of artillery firing of a unit, based on the convolution of criteria, has been introduced. It is shown that the devised method significantly improves the effectiveness of shooting according to the generalized criterion.
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