Algorithm of stretching adjustment of leather with mineral filling




leather, shoes, natural minerals, formation, residual deformation, shape stability, quality


The ability of the skin to the formation and preservation of form in service depends on its ability to stretch and balance of the elastic and plastic (permanent) deformation. The values of the components of the deformation of the skin with the mineral content in the test mode, one full cycle ”loading - unloading - rest” indicates that the type of mineral filler significantly affects the elastic- plastic properties of the skin.

Dependence of residual elongation of tested leather with repeated uniaxial stretching on the degree of hydration of the skin, stretching size and number of repeated stretching have been considered in this paper. Experimentally confirmed hypothesis and mathematical model of stretching adjustment of the leather with multisycle stretching and fixing of material in a stretched state . Patterns of change and the quantitative value of the residual elongation of skin samples with montmorillonite dispersion mineral content have been obtained. The most appropriate treatment process of tricyclic stretching mode and optimum humidification have been proposed. It has been proved that after 2-3 fold prior stretching of the leather the strength is not reduced , but rather strengthens, the value of which depends on the relative size of tensile and relative amount of dampening material before stretching.

Author Biographies

Оксана Петрівна Козарь, Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design, Nemirovich-Danchenko Street, 2, Kyiv, 01011

PhD student Department of Design and Technology of leather products

Віктор Павлович Коновал, Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design Nemirovich- Danchenko St, 2, Kyiv , Ukraine , 01011


Department of Design and Technology of leather products

Wozniak Boguslaw, Dr Eng., Professor Director

Institute of Leather Industry , Lodz , Poland

Андрій Васильович Оленіч, Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design Nemirovich- Danchenko St, 2, Kyiv , Ukraine , 01011

Ph.D., Department of design and technology of leather


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How to Cite

Козарь, О. П., Коновал, В. П., Boguslaw, W., & Оленіч, А. В. (2014). Algorithm of stretching adjustment of leather with mineral filling. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 3(5(69), 43–47.