Destabilization of stream in a channel with the length-varying flow rate
discrete sampling, destabilization, channel curvature, transit flow rate, fictitious lengthAbstract
The flow of viscous and abnormally-viscous fluids in hydraulic systems with a curvilinear pipeline and length-varying mass, used for surface irrigation is experimentally investigated in the paper. A comparison of the hydraulic characteristics of such streams with similar results at a constant flow rate is carried out.
These studies are caused by the need to justify the design parameters of water supply and irrigation systems, which ensure their reliability. Violation of stability and reliability can be caused by unstabilized processes, constantly arising in the operation of such systems and can lead to destabilization of the equipment.
As a result of the studies, the difference in determining the hydraulic losses is found, and recommendations for calculating the pressure drop in the channels of the discrete liquid sampling along the length are given.
This will allow to forecast the operation of irrigation systems at given geometric parameters, kinematic and dynamic characteristics of the stream.
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