Mathematical model of the process estimation of the deformation of the road surface




road pavement, stress state, strain state, Boussinesq problem, curvature radius


A method of estimating the stress-strain state of road pavements resulting from the effect of operating loads was developed. For solving the above mentioned problem, mathematical models of deformation, which are based on solving the classical Boussinesq problem, were used. The formulae for calculating six components of a tensor of mechanical stresses in road pavements for estimating the depths at which stresses have maximum values were studied. A scheme of traffic loads during the active road transport movement for different number of vehicles was proposed. Based on this scheme the formulae for determining all components of the stress tensor were suggested.

For implementing the developed models and algorithms, the software systems were created. In addition, the model and practical computations for real road sections with different types of pavement were carried out.

The possibility of considering the peculiarities of spatial configuration of highway sections and, in particular, their curvature radii while estimating the stress-strain state of these sections, was studied. This approach will allow working out software systems for estimating and predicting the road pavements state, based on the traffic analysis and studying physical and mechanical properties of the materials, which the pavements were made of. The further coordinates for studying the problem were defined.

Author Biographies

Андрій Петрович Олійник, Ivano-Frankivsk National Tehnical University of Oil and Gas Karpatska, 15, Ivano-Frankivsk, 76019

Doctor of technical scince, Professor

Department of Mathematical Methods in Engineering

Борис Сергійович Незамай, Ivano-Frankivsk National Tehnical University of Oil and Gas Karpatska, 15, Ivano-Frankivsk, 76019

Candidate of technical science, Assistant professor

Department of Mathematical Methods in Engineering

Вікторія Ігорівна Пулик, Ivano-Frankivsk National Tehnical University of Oil and Gas Karpatska, 15, Ivano-Frankivsk, 76019

Master's degree

Department of Computer Technology in Control Systems and Automation


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How to Cite

Олійник, А. П., Незамай, Б. С., & Пулик, В. І. (2014). Mathematical model of the process estimation of the deformation of the road surface. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 3(4(69), 49–54.



Mathematics and Cybernetics - applied aspects