Efficiency of heat pump ventilation and water heating system in an indoor swimming pool
heat pump, swimming pool, ventilation, water heating, moisture content, bypass, recirculation, condenser, evaporatorAbstract
The thermodynamic efficiency of the heat pump ventilation and water heating system of indoor swimming pool with partial exhaust air recirculation and heat pump bypass is analyzed in the paper. The purpose of the work is to determine the system efficiency depending on the change of fresh supply air temperature, ventilation system intensity and heat pump bypassing factor. As a result of implementing the developed mathematical model using the method of successive approximations, dependences of the change of recirculation factor, bypass, air temperatures at the outlet of condenser and heat pump evaporator, as well as the specific energy consumption on the change of supply air temperature are obtained. It is determined that using the heat pump for ventilation air handling and water heating in the swimming bath allows significantly reduce the specific energy consumption compared to the ventilation heat pump system, where water heating in the pool is implemented from external traditional heat source. The developed model allows to determine the specific energy consumption in these heat pump systems based on a combination of the considered factors, affecting their efficiency. The obtained data are the theoretical basis for designing energy-efficient heat pump heating systems for maintaining the comfort conditions in indoor pools.
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