Designing the feasibility study of projects in the sphere of energy and resource saving


  • Владимир Михайлович Мамалыга National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" 37, Prospect Peremohy, 03056, Kyiv-56, Ukraine, Ukraine



feasibility study, energy-efficient equipment, value of money, price of equipment, tariffs, payback


The approaches to developing the feasibility study of projects in the field of energy and energy saving are presented in the paper. This is important because, until recently, the post-Soviet countries continue to use the «reduced costs» for the study of the prospects of investment projects. However, it is not always feasible to use the products of leading companies-manufacturers of energyefficient equipment and technologies.

The paper shows that developing the feasibility study of investment projects should be carried out in two stages: stage 1 — preliminary (technical) study and stage 2 — detailed (full) study. With specific examples, it is demonstrated that the prospects of using various types of lighting devices should be ssessed with an allowance for possible risks, and also taking into account the market value of lamps and their disposal costs, considering the life of lamps, electricity tariffs and operation time during the day. Similar approaches to determining the prospects of using wind turbines have shown that it is necessary to take into account all significant factors, including political risks, and make decision based on the NPV and IRR values. Preliminary (technical) study of the projects often helps to avoid labor costs for developing the detailed feasibility study. This approach allows to be critical of «energy saving myths» (assertion of unconditional feasibility of using energy-efficient equipment, which allegedly must replace traditional equipment). In any case, it is the economic characteristics, such as NPV, Payback Period and IRR that should determine the feasibility of energy saving projects.

Author Biography

Владимир Михайлович Мамалыга, National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" 37, Prospect Peremohy, 03056, Kyiv-56, Ukraine

Consultant in sphere of energy saving of Ukrainian Parliament

Ph. D., Professor, Master of Business Administration (MBA),

Department of design automation of energy processes and systems


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How to Cite

Мамалыга, В. М. (2014). Designing the feasibility study of projects in the sphere of energy and resource saving. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 3(1(69), 51–56.



Mechanical engineering technology