Method for reducing longitudinal spherical aberration of intraocular lenses
crystal, spherical aberration, intraocular lens, polytetrafluoroethylene, vacuum spraying, Zemax, SolidWorksAbstract
It has been established that of all types of aberrations following the implantation of intraocular lenses, the most significant is spherical, inherent in the spherical optics in various aspects. This paper proposes a method for reducing the longitudinal spherical aberration of intraocular lenses by applying an additional optical layer onto their surface. To reduce spherical aberration, the thickness of a layer of polytetrafluoroethylene (Teflon) was simulated in the programming environment Zemax 13 (USA). Calculations that were performed included refractive indices of the environment and the material of the optics. It was established that in order to reduce the value of the longitudinal spherical aberration of an intraocular lens made of hydrophobic acrylic, the thickness of aTeflon layer should be about 100 nm.
The results of spraying indicate an improvement in the optical characteristics of the lens by reducing longitudinal spherical aberration. When examining different areas of lenses with spraying, it was established that there is no spherical aberration in the lens area. In the 4 mm zone, the spherical aberration indicator decreased by 4 times compared to the original lens. In the region with a diameter of 6 mm, spherical aberration decreased by 0.2. Applying a layer of Teflon reduced Fresnel reflection by 4 times, which improves the sensitivity and contrast of vision. The hydrophobic properties of Teflon provide the anti-adhesive state of the lens, which is a counteraction to the development of secondary cataracts. The SolidWorks 19 software (France) was used to design a model of the lens "NVision Optics" whose aberrations were eliminated as much as possible
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