Data flow control paradigm and its graphical representation in system oriented architectures


  • Костянтин Васильович Харченко National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" Peremohy Avenue, 37, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03057, Ukraine



SOA (System Oriented Architecture), data flow, architecture of information systems


A method of representing the architecture of information systems using a data flow paradigm is given in the paper. A graphical form of representing the operation of information systems is worked out.

It can clearly and effectively describe complex interactions between components of the SOA systems in a convenient and simple way. An XML format of describing the data flow architecture in SOA is developed. A method of compiling this representation in OOP languages is proposed. The possibility of generating a parallel-executable code and organizing a unit testing system by means of applying graphic description is considered.

The proposed method of graphic description of SOA-based information systems, unlike UML diagrams allows compiling into an executable parallel code. As a result of the studies, the methodology of graphic description of cycles and recursions in data flow systems, oriented onto SOA systems, is defined. The method of graphic description of the data flow validation process is developed. The practical application of such method of describing architecture can be carried out along with various programming languages and can effectively solve problems in the field of enterprise information systems using a service-oriented architecture, image processing, analysis of high-volume data, and control systems.

Author Biography

Костянтин Васильович Харченко, National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" Peremohy Avenue, 37, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03057

Ph.D., Associate Professor

Department of System Design, Institute of Applied System Analysis


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How to Cite

Харченко, К. В. (2014). Data flow control paradigm and its graphical representation in system oriented architectures. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 3(9(69), 22–29.



Information and controlling system