Study of carbonate deposits on heat exchange surfaces of condensers
circulating cooling systems, TPP and NPP condensers, deposition rate, scale inhibitorsAbstract
The technique and the results of studying the formation and deposition rate of carbonates on heat exchange surfaces of condensers from supersaturated solutions of circulating water of the integrated circulating cooling system at thermal and nuclear power plants are given. The dependence of deposition rate on the inhibitor dose and the circulating water salinity is obtained.
The minimum period of the one cycle of studying calcium carbonate crystallization from circulating water during its evaporation, needed to accumulate the smallest possible amount of deposits, sufficient to ensure the representativeness of the experimental data, which is usually 350...400 hours is shown.
The analytical dependence of the influence of scale inhibitor concentrations in the circulating water with given chemical composition on the deposition intensity of calcium carbonate on heat exchange surfaces of the condenser is obtained.
High efficiency of scale inhibitor Acumer 1000 (up to 84 %) in preventing scaling on heat exchange surfaces of condensers of integrated circulating cooling systems is shown.
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