Experimental evaluation for fluxes, currents and speed estimation of induction motor





induction motor, extended Kalman filter, speed estimation, rotor flux estimation, sensorless drive


Induction motor drive control and estimation is a wide subject. The market for variable speed drives has grown dramatically in the last few years. Manufacturers have recognized the importance of not only managing the speed or torque range, but also reducing power consumption. This necessitates the development of new control algorithms and schemes to include these solutions. Indeed, the speed estimate must be employed in one or more regions of the control scheme, depending on the control objective. This concept, as well as the most common speed estimation methodologies, is investigated.

Currently, many tools can be used for the evaluation of the rotor speed without a speed sensor. By modern signal processing methods, it is possible to implement an estimation scheme with the possibility of monitoring currents and voltages. Therefore, in this paper, the concept of currents, speed and fluxes estimation based on the extended Kalman filter is proposed. By monitoring the ratio of the theoretical residual to the actual residual, the measured noise covariance matrix is recursively corrected online to make it gradually approach the real noise level. So that the filter performs the optimal estimation, improves the accuracy of the speed estimation. The effect of the load change on the currents, fluxes and speed estimation was also studied. Simulation and experimental results show that the proposed improved adaptive extended Kalman estimator has a strong ability to suppress random measurement noise. The experimental and simulation results prove the accuracy of the proposed scheme towards the state estimation of an induction motor at different load levels. It can accurately estimate the speed of the motor and has a good anti-error ability to meet the actual needs of the project.

Supporting Agency

  • The authors would like to express their gratitude to the, University of Kirkuk for their provided facilities, which helped to improve the quality of this work.

Author Biographies

Najimaldin M. Abbas, University of Kirkuk

Assistant Professor

Department of Electrical Engineering

College of Engineering

Ali Merwan Shakor, University of Kirkuk

Assistant Lecturer

Department of Electrical Engineering

College of Engineering


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How to Cite

Abbas, N. M., & Shakor, A. M. (2022). Experimental evaluation for fluxes, currents and speed estimation of induction motor. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 1(2(115), 85–95. https://doi.org/10.15587/1729-4061.2022.252968