Development of an integrated approach to assessing the impact of innovative development on the level of financial security of households




financial security of households, economic security, national security, innovation, innovative development


This paper reports a comprehensive approach devised to assess the impact of innovative development on the level of financial security of households. The study considers the peculiarities of the interpretation of the concepts of "household" and "innovation" and identifies the main factors influencing the financial security of households. The indicators characterizing the state of financial security of households and innovative development were analyzed in dynamics.

The study's result produced a SWOT analysis that ensures the financial security of households. Among the strengths are the high economic potential of the country, the process of reforming state systems, the transition to complete digitalization (digitalization), and the presence of highly educated specialists. It was clarified that the factors that have the greatest negative impact are the low level of investment attractiveness, corruption component, the impact of the global economic crisis, and the high level of shadowing of the economy.

The method of correlation-regression analysis was used to prove the hypothesis put forward regarding the existence of a connection between the indicators characterizing innovative development and the level of financial security of households. The adequacy of the developed model has been confirmed on the basis of the Fisher's F-criterion. The existence of a strong relationship between independent and dependent variables (multiple correlation coefficient R=0.9875) was mathematically confirmed, which proves the expediency of stimulating innovative development to strengthen financial security. It was established that with an increase in both independent variables at the same time by 1 % (the cost of scientific research, the total amount of expenditures in the areas of innovative activity of industrial enterprises), the volume of GDP per capita (an indicator of the state of financial security of households) increases by 1.75 %.

Author Biographies

Anastasiia Poltorak, Mykolayiv National Agrarian University

Doctor of Economics Sciences, Associate Professor

Department of Management and Marketing

Olha Khrystenko, Mykolayiv National Agrarian University

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Business Economy

Anna Sukhorukova, Mykolayiv National Agrarian University


Department of Management and Marketing

Tetiana Moroz, Mykolayiv National Agrarian University

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Information Systems and Technologies

Oleksandr Sharin, Mykolayiv National Agrarian University

Senior Lecturer

Department of Economic Theory and Social Sciences


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How to Cite

Poltorak, A., Khrystenko, O., Sukhorukova, A., Moroz, T., & Sharin, O. (2022). Development of an integrated approach to assessing the impact of innovative development on the level of financial security of households. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 1(13(115), 103–112.



Transfer of technologies: industry, energy, nanotechnology