Parametric synthesis of control systems for the steam generator of a nuclear power plant




nuclear power plant, steam generator, modeling, control system, synthesis, identification, optimization


This paper proposes models and methods of the parametric synthesis of automatic control systems for a steam generator at a nuclear power plant, based on the modification of unconditional optimization methods. A mathematical model of steam generator control systems designed for the synthesis of model parameters has been considered. Algorithms are given for calculating level objective functions that take into consideration the limitations of variable parameters and quality indicators of problems for identifying and optimizing model parameters. The methods of unconditional optimization have been modified by introducing the operation of comparing the values of the level objective functions. Using the information technology of optimization, computational experiments were carried out to synthesize the parameters of the steam generator control systems by optimizing the level objective functions. The values of 54 parameters for the model of the control system in the PGV-1000 steam generator were identified, the value of standard deviation in the processes of 1 % from the experimental processes was achieved in the model. The result of parametric synthesis of optimal control systems for a steam generator produced a minimum control time of 131 seconds while the time of computational experiments did not exceed 10 minutes. The peculiarity of the proposed approach to the parametric synthesis of control system models is that the level objective function as a single mathematical object includes all the information about the synthesis problem. Therefore, a given approach is promising for simplifying software for solving complex problems of parametric synthesis of control systems. The considered technology of parametric synthesis of control systems could increase the degree of scientific validity of technical projects to improve various applied and promising control systems.

Author Biographies

Olena Nikulina, National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Department of Information Systems and Technologies

Valeriy Severin, National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Department of System Analysis and Information-Analytical Technologies

Nina Kotsiuba, National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"


Department of Information Systems and Technologies


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How to Cite

Nikulina, O. ., Severin, V. ., & Kotsiuba, N. (2022). Parametric synthesis of control systems for the steam generator of a nuclear power plant. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 1(2(115), 77–84.