Devising a procedure of state financial protectionism in the agricultural industry in the context of regionalization
State funding, protectionism, state support, agricultural industry, investment attractivenessAbstract
This paper considers the issue of state financial protectionism of the agricultural industry in the context of regionalization. A comprehensive methodology of state financial protectionism of the agricultural industry in the context of regionalization has been proposed, taking into consideration IPR and the value of the agricultural industry in a region. Based on statistical data on the indicators of investment attractiveness of the region (IAR) and the value of the agricultural industry in a region, regions for financing were determined. The problem of determining the fate of state financial protectionism for the agricultural industry in the context of regionalization has been stated and solved. The proposed methodology was tested by an experimental method.
It is proposed that the state financial protectionism in the context of regionalization should include budget (investment) financial injections based on the investment attractiveness of a region and the value of the agricultural industry in the region, which are directed to the agricultural sector, in order to support it.
The calculation results show that the distribution of financial resources with the available amount of public finances S=1 allocated for support is carried out proportionally. The comprehensive approach has made it possible to identify four regions for financing, and those are the regions that have the greatest value in the agricultural industry.
Practical value is for management bodies (local, territorial, etc.) in the distribution of funds according to the vector of protectionism of the agricultural industry. The theoretical value is for researchers dealing with financial support, state protectionism, and public administration
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