Reform of state regulation of production and transportation of hydrogen on the territory of european states in the context of EU positive practice




green hydrogen, decarbonization of the economy, sustainable development, energy markets, hydrogen economy


Geopolitical transformations produce their impact on the cross-border regulation of hydrogen production and transportation. Russia's military aggression has blown up the global energy system and driven up energy prices. This exacerbated the issue of energy security, highlighting the excessive dependence of the EU on imports from the Russian Federation. These factors have accelerated Europe's transition to clean energy and increased hydrogen production.

The object of the research is legal relations in the field of development, transportation and storage of hydrogen in the territory of European states.

The results made it possible to propose mechanisms for reforming the legal regulation of the production and transportation of hydrogen across Europe. The vectors of the regulatory policy of European states are revealed, which should coordinate the increase in the potential of Ukraine in the regional leadership in decarbonization. It was stated that the legislative innovations of Ukraine are the basis for adaptation to EU practices.

The practical approbation of the changes in production practice declared by the states of Europe in the context of the global energy transition to a carbon-neutral society is substantiated. It has been established that reducing the cost of hydrogen and finding its wide application will become a global priority in the short term.

The basis of the hydrogen infrastructure has already been laid by including it in the renewed trans-European energy network. The issue of full-fledged approbation of production procedures in modern geopolitical conditions is debatable. Despite the hostilities, Ukraine continues the course of reforms by coordinating and arranging the purchase of hydrogen from renewable sources, which will allow full accession to the EU Energy Platform.

The results of the study can be used in the legislative sphere for a comprehensive reform of the national legislation of Ukraine

Author Biographies

Oleh Chechel, Ukrainian State Scientific Research Institute «Resource» State Reserve Agency of Ukraine

Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Associate Professor, Deputy Director for Research

Alla Bashuk, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Doctor of Social Communication, Associate Professor

Department of Advertising and Public Relations

Ellina Tsykhovska, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor

Department of Advertising and Public Relations

Valerii Vorotin, Institute of Legislation of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Professor, Head of Department

Department Complex Problems of State Formation

Viacheslav Mukovoz, Ukrainian State Scientific Research Institute «Resource» State Reserve Agency of Ukraine

PhD, Senior Researcher, Director

Vasily Prodanyk, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Public Administration


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How to Cite

Chechel, O., Bashuk, A., Tsykhovska, E., Vorotin, V., Mukovoz, V., & Prodanyk, V. (2022). Reform of state regulation of production and transportation of hydrogen on the territory of european states in the context of EU positive practice. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 3(13 (117), 78–90.



Transfer of technologies: industry, energy, nanotechnology