Analysis of structural transformations occurring during thermal hardening of building reinforcing steel produced at Baku Steel Company LLC




construction reinforcing steel, thermomechanical reinforcement, rolling, tabulation, physical and mechanical properties, microstructure


For the production of building reinforcing steel, special charge components were used, consisting of steel waste, cast iron shavings and about 20 % of NVG pellets. Steel was smelted in a 60-ton electric arc furnace. The pouring of liquid steel was carried out on a continuous casting machine.

Heat treatment was carried out immediately after the rolling operation to improve the physical and mechanical properties of the construction reinforcing steels melted in the electric arc furnace from the charge material using metal waste. It is recommended that these steels be made of low-carbon (C≤0.25 %) and low-alloy steels in order to have a sufficiently high technology and good weldability. However, in order to meet the requirements of construction standards, these steels must have high structural integrity and physical and mechanical properties.

It was found that these requirements can be solved only by heat treatment immediately after the rolling operation of the armature. In this case, the effect can be obtained by reinforcing heat treatment of the fittings by hardening due to the rolling temperature. Therefore, in order to further improve the properties during thermomechanical treatment (TMT), the hardening was carried out directly (immediately) after the deformation in the roll.

Immediately after the spread, the physical and mechanical properties, as well as the fluidity and strength properties of the construction low-carbon reinforcement steels met the requirements of the standard by conducting HTMT. Increased strength and technological properties of reinforcing steel are achieved after hardening by dispersion hardening at high-temperature tempering, which is carried out at a temperature of more than 580 °C

Supporting Agency

  • This works was supported by the siense Devolopment Foundation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Grant №EIF-MQM-ETS-2020-1(35)-08/02/-M-02

Author Biographies

Arif Mammadov, Azerbaijan Technical University

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Department of Metallurgy and Technology of Materials

Agil Babaev, Azerbaijan Technical University

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor

Department of Metallurgy and Technology of Materials

Nizami Ismailov, Azerbaijan Technical University

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Department of Metallurgy and Technology of Materials

Mukhtar Huseynov, Azerbaijan Technical University

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Department of Metallurgy and Technology of Materials

Faig Guliyev, Baku Steel Company LLC

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Department of Metallurgy and Technology of Materials


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How to Cite

Mammadov, A., Babaev, A., Ismailov, N., Huseynov, M., & Guliyev, F. (2022). Analysis of structural transformations occurring during thermal hardening of building reinforcing steel produced at Baku Steel Company LLC . Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 4(12 (118), 6–12.



Materials Science