Improving water resistance of chrome-tanned leather by alkene-maleic composition
chrome-tanned leather, water resistance, grease composition, alkene-maleic polymer, processing, hydrophobizationAbstract
To solve the problem of improving the performance properties of hydrophobic leather materials and products, a wide range of chemical materials and methods of their application in manufacturing technologies of leather for various purposes are used.
The influence of processing semi-finished leather by alkene-maleic composition of the chemical composition and physicochemical properties hydrophobizated material was determined in the paper. Hydrophobization of semi-finished product was performed after its neutralization by formate and sodium bicarbonate, washing, dyeing, retanning by mixture of organic-mineral tannins. Greasing-hydrophobization was performed after increasing the temperature of the solution, containing alkene-maleic polymer, formic acid and fish oil or sunflower oil, further fixation was performed by potassium alums in the presence of masking solution - sodium formate.
Using AMC compared to traditional greasing leads to an increase in the amount of bound fatty substances in the semi-finished product by 1,7-2,0 times and a corresponding reduction of substances, extracted by organic solvents.
Semi-finished product, obtained using this technology is characterized by high deformation capacity and stiffness less by 18-20% compared to the materials, produced using the control option 6, and water permeability in dynamic conditions is higher by 45-48 times.
The obtained research results confirm that using alkene-maleic composition in manufacturing technology of leather materials allows to produce them with high hydrophobic effect and complex of necessary physicochemical properties and suggest that alkene-maleic composition, developed and implemented in the production is a promising water-repellent reagent that can be effectively used in manufacturing technologies of leather for everyday and special shoes, suitable for extreme conditions.
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