Process improvement of combined cargo transport




combined transport processes, mathematical modeling of transport, state graphs of transport processes


Approaches to the bimodal transport organization are considered, bimodal transport technology, which eliminates the problem of “dead weight” in the form of automobile moving part that always goes with the car body is given in the paper.

Today the issues of a mutually beneficial association and interaction with the road transport using their positive aspects and neutralizing negative, and creating a combined form of transportation are urgent for the railway transport. Using combined transport becomes relevant also because of Ukraine's accession to the European transport system, where the railway track width differs from the track width in CIS states.

The constructed state graphs, determined based on solving a system of differential equations of motion in combined transport, allow to define the degree of management efficiency of combined cargo transport to support making optimal decisions by operatives in tasks that are solved at automated workplaces of railway operatives.

The considered technology of cargo transportation by railway transport with its gradual replacement by road transport at the bimodal transport system allows to carry cargos without changing the running gear, when the cargo owner has approach road that allows to reduce annual operating costs during cargo transport.

Author Biographies

Анатолій Миколайович Котенко, Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Chair of «Manage freight and commercial work»

Олександр Семенович Крашенінін, Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport Feuerbach square 7, Kharkiv 61050

Doctor of Technical Sciences, docent

Chair of «Operation and repair of rolling stock»

Ольга Олександрівна Шапатіна, Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport Feuerbach square 7, Kharkiv 61050

Graduate, assistant

Chair of «Manage freight and commercial work»


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How to Cite

Котенко, А. М., Крашенінін, О. С., & Шапатіна, О. О. (2014). Process improvement of combined cargo transport. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 4(3(70), 4–8.



Control processes