Construction of aggregates of features of the building complex of the territory for conceptual grouping scheme
construction industry, building complex, feature space, consistency criterion, correlation coefficientAbstract
Improving the efficiency of the strategic development plans of the construction industry is possible by studying and elaborating the clustering algorithm of Ukrainian regions in the construction sphere.
The aggregation algorithm of the feature space of the building complex of the territory was considered in the paper.
The building complex of each area is described by a set of characteristics that can be called features. Herewith, the system of considered estimated figures cannot be fully used for the regional differentiation within the Ukraine since a number of indicators that form the system conditions are of national nature and do not contain a specific set of numerical and categorical data.
Achieving the goal of improving the efficiency of the strategic development of the construction industry is possible provided solving the following problem: to construct an aggregation algorithm of features, allowing to determine the essential factors of influence and reduce the space dimension in clustering objects.
The algorithm, considered in the paper is based on using two criteria: the correlation coefficient and the consistency criterion. This allows to reduce the dimension of the feature space of the building complex of the territory.
As a result of the study, aggregates of indicators, in which the consistency criterion is equal to zero, were obtained.
A study of the proposed algorithm allows to conclude on the presence of consistent relationships between the indicators, forming the functioning of the building complex of the region. It is an intermediate step in constructing the conceptual grouping schema of areas, as well as allows to construct a more accurate clustering of areas for management decision-making in the construction sector.
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