Development of a method for increasing the interruption protection of multi-antenna systems with spectrally effective special purpose signals under the influence of destabilizing factors
radio communication devices, neural networks, fuzzy sets, computational complexity, frequency responseAbstract
The object of research is multi-antenna systems with spectrally efficient special purpose signals. The problematic issue, the solution of which is devoted to this research, is the improvement of immunity to interference of multi-antenna systems with spectrally efficient special purpose signals. A technique for improving the immunity of multi-antenna systems with spectrally efficient special-purpose signals under the influence of destabilizing factors has been developed. A distinctive feature of the proposed methodology is the use of an improved pre-coding procedure, evaluation of the channel state of multi-antenna radio communication systems with spectrally efficient signals by several indicators. The improved channel state estimation procedure consists in estimating channel bit error probability, channel state frequency response, and channel state impulse response. The formation of an estimate of the channel state for each of the assessment indicators takes place on a separate layer of the neural network using the apparatus of fuzzy sets, after which a generalized estimate is formed at the output of the neural network. The novelty of the proposed method also consists in the use of an improved procedure for forecasting the channel state of multi-antenna systems with spectrally efficient signals. The essence of the proposed procedure is the use of fuzzy cognitive models and an artificial neural network to predict the state of the channels of multi-antenna systems with spectrally efficient signals.
Based on the results of the research, it was established that the proposed method allows to increase the immunity of multi-antenna systems with spectrally efficient signals according to the 8×8 scheme and 64 subcarriers by 20–25 % compared to the known ones.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Oleg Sova, Andrii Shyshatskyi, Viktor Ostapchuk, Yurii Zhuravskyi, Maksym Rohovets, Ihor Borysov, Viktor Bovsunovskyi, Yuriy Artabaev, Oleksandr Trotsko, Ihor Pylypchuk

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