Justification of safe shelf life of whole wheat flour of various sizes, depending on the processing method





whole grain flour, gas treatment, grinding size, safe storage, quality indicators


The objects of this study were wheat grain (Shortandinskaya variety, harvest 2021) and wheat grain grinding products – whole grain (whole-ground) wheat flour of coarse, medium, and fine grinds.

Studies have been carried out to establish the terms of safe storage of whole-grain (whole-ground) wheat flour of various sizes. Samples of whole-grain flour of coarse, medium, and fine grinding were obtained by grinding wheat grain in a finger-type single-rotor eight-row disintegrator.

The resistance to storage of samples of whole-grain wheat flour of various sizes, as well as treated with gases (nitrogen, carbon dioxide) with a concentration of 2.0 mg/l, at a pressure of P=2.0 atm for 10 minutes, was investigated.

Based on the indicators of QMAFAnM, the acid number of fat, and the acidity of gas-processed and unprocessed whole-grain wheat flour of various sizes, the terms of its safe storage were established. All safety indicators were examined within three months with a frequency of every 10 days. The relationship between the size of the flour product and its stability during storage has been established. It is recommended to store unprocessed whole grain wheat flour of coarse grinding up to 50 days, medium grinding – up to 40 days, fine grinding – up to 30 days.

The treatment of whole-grain flour before storage with carbon dioxide has made it possible to prolong the period of safe storage of coarse flour to 70 days, medium grinding – up to 50 days, fine grinding – up to 40 days.

The best results in the preservation of whole-grain flour, depending on the size of the grind, were shown by its treatment before storage with nitrogen in comparison with similar treatment with carbon dioxide. Nitrogen treatment has made it possible to recommend the duration of safe storage of coarse flour up to 90 days, medium – up to 60 days, small – up to 50 days

Author Biographies

Farrukh Makhmudov, Almaty Technological University

Doctoral Student

Department of Food Safety and Quality

Sanavar Azimova, Almaty Technological University

Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor

Department of Food Safety and Quality

Maigul Kizatova, NAO "S. D. Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Department of Pharmaceutical Technology

Auyelbek Iztayev, Almaty Technological University

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Department of Food Technology

Olga Shanina, State Biotechnological University

Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor

Department of Bread Products and Confectionery Technology


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Justification of safe shelf life of whole wheat flour of various sizes, depending on the processing method




How to Cite

Makhmudov, F., Azimova, S., Kizatova, M., Iztayev, A., & Shanina, O. (2022). Justification of safe shelf life of whole wheat flour of various sizes, depending on the processing method. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 5(11 (119), 29–37. https://doi.org/10.15587/1729-4061.2022.265812



Technology and Equipment of Food Production