Rationing exhaust emission of vehicles and transition to Euro standards


  • Ігор Владиславович Приміський Ltd. "Avtoekopribor" Mezhygorskaya 82 A, Kiev, Ukraine, 04080, Ukraine




vehicle, emission, norm, European standard, gas analyzer, stand, smoke meter, range, accuracy, regulations


Influence of vehicle emissions in the environment is one of the most important environmental issues of our time. Composition and concentration of emissions of internal combustion engines of motor vehicles at the various modes of operation at different fuel type for both gasoline and diesel engines was analyzed. The features of state standards of Ukraine on emission norms, international standards - Euro standards, Rules of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the implementation stages and the effect of the Euro standards were considered. Construction principles, physical characteristics of measurement methods, specifications of devices that measure smoke (smoke meters) and toxicity of exhaust emissions (gas analyzers) were examined. The necessity of further modernization of modern national standards, harmonized with international standards, which have normalized the level of emissions from motor vehicles in accordance with the ever-increasing environmental requirements, was substantiated.

Author Biography

Ігор Владиславович Приміський, Ltd. "Avtoekopribor" Mezhygorskaya 82 A, Kiev, Ukraine, 04080

Technical Director


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How to Cite

Приміський, І. В. (2014). Rationing exhaust emission of vehicles and transition to Euro standards. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 4(11(70), 43–49. https://doi.org/10.15587/1729-4061.2014.26655



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