Experimental substantiation of the application of plant extracts and enzymes to obtain safe raw materials for whole grain bread technology





enzyme preparations, whole grain bread, sea buckthorn, osehip and barberry extracts


Currently, ensuring the high quality and safety of food is the most important condition for a rational diet, maintaining health, mental and physical performance and supporting the body's defense systems. The modern environmental situation is one of the conditioning factors of the nutritional status of the population. It is known that more than 70 % of the total amount of pollutants entering the human body falls on food.

The purpose of this work is to improve the safety and quality of raw materials and grain products for whole-grain bread technology using enzyme preparations and extracts of plant origin during grain defrosting.

Reasonable effective doses of enzyme preparations have been determined. Cellolux was introduced at a dose of 0.03–0.08 % by weight of grain solids. To reduce the content of toxic elements in the grain, 0.05 % of the mass of grain solids was chosen, the optimal duration of defrosting is 6 and 12 hours, but depending on the efficiency of the time ‒ 6 hours. The grain was soaked at a temperature of 23 °C (room temperature).

Extracts of leaves and stems of rosehip, sea buckthorn and barberry were used as plant material. The use of these plant raw materials is explained by the fact that their leaves and bran extracts contain polyphenols with antioxidant, antimicrobial and carcinogenic properties. For disinfection and purification of grain from heavy metals, a content of 0.05 % of the grain weight was selected.

The effect of plant extracts on the microbiological contamination of grain during soaking and in preparation for the production of grain bread and preventing microbial spoilage of bakery products during storage has been studied. And extracts of rosehip leaves and sea buckthorn stalk have a pronounced antimicrobial effect against fungi of the genus Pénicillium. That will make it possible to exclude diseases of bread and improve its rheology

Author Biographies

Indira Kurmanbayeva, Almaty Technological University

Doctor of Philosophy

Department of Food Safety and Quality

Zhanar Nabiyeva, Almaty Technological University

PhD, Director of Research Institute

Research Institute of Food Safety

Albena Stoyanova, University of Food Technologies


Department of Tobacco, Sugar, Vegetable and Essential Oils Technology

Ainur Zheldybayeva, Almaty Technological University

Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor

Department of Food Safety and Quality

Dinara Tlevlessova, Almaty Technological University

Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor

Department of Food Technology


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Experimental substantiation of the application of plant extracts and enzymes to obtain safe raw materials for whole grain bread technology




How to Cite

Kurmanbayeva, I., Nabiyeva, Z., Stoyanova, A., Zheldybayeva, A., & Tlevlessova, D. (2022). Experimental substantiation of the application of plant extracts and enzymes to obtain safe raw materials for whole grain bread technology. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(11 (120), 89–98. https://doi.org/10.15587/1729-4061.2022.267230



Technology and Equipment of Food Production