Devising an approach to assessing the durability of bus body on a frame chassis




bus body durability, frame chassis, simulation, body corrosion, fatigue destruction


The object of this study is the processes and permissible limits of aging of bus bodies on the frame chassis during operation.

As a result of research by simulation method, the durability of the bus on the frame chassis, was determined, which is in the range from 5 to 11 years depending on the operating conditions. The study took into account the following factors: passenger occupancy, microprofile of the road, bus speed, corrosion. The durability of the bus depends primarily on the durability of the frame and body frame. Since the frame is made of alloy steels and heat-treated, it is not repaired but replaced with a new one when cracks in the frame are formed.

When determining the durability of the bus on the frame chassis, it was found that the frame has 1.5–1.8 times greater durability than the body frame itself. This is because the frame is made of alloyed materials and has an open structure. The body frame has closed cavities, which provoke the development of corrosion with the accumulation of moisture in them.

A feature of the results is that previous studies considered buses only with a load-bearing body structure.

The issue of durability of bodies on the frame chassis has been considered. As experience shows, the durability of bus bodies on a frame chassis depends on many operational factors. For operating organizations and manufacturing plants, it is important to provide for the durability of the bus depending on the operating conditions.

The results of this study will allow operating organizations to provide for scheduled repairs, as well as take measures to increase the service life of buses during operation. For manufacturing plants, the findings will make it possible to apply rational technologies and materials to form the service life of the bus body.

Author Biographies

Dmytro Ruban, Lviv National University of Environmental Management

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Automobiles and Tractors

Lubomyr Kraynyk, Lviv National University of Environmental Management

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Department of Automobiles and Tractors

Hanna Ruban, Tcherkasy State Business-College


Department of Fundamental Disciplines

Maria Zakharova, Tcherkasy State Business-College

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Computer Engineering and Information Technology

Volodymyr Metelap, Cherkasy State Technological University

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Programming Engineering of Automation Systems

Vladyslav Khotunov, Tcherkasy State Business-College

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Computer Engineering and Information Technology

Sergiy Mykhaylyuta, Tcherkasy State Business-College

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Computer Engineering and Information Technology


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Devising an approach to assessing the durability of bus body on a frame chassis




How to Cite

Ruban, D., Kraynyk, L., Ruban, H., Zakharova, M., Metelap, V., Khotunov, V., & Mykhaylyuta, S. (2023). Devising an approach to assessing the durability of bus body on a frame chassis . Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2(1 (122), 32–39.



Engineering technological systems