Development of the method of constructing the expander turbine rotation speed regulator




nonlinear plant, adaptive control, relay regulator, plant model, reduced model


The study is devoted to the expander turbine rotation speed regulator, considering the possibility of implementing this regulator on microprocessor automation tools. The use of expander-generator units in general improves energy saving indicators, and the ability to maintain the turbine shaft rotation speed within the specified limits, in turn, directly affects the indicators of the quality of the generated electricity. The expander turbine, as a control object, is described by non-linear equations, which determines the possibility of using regulators of different designs, and requires the selection of the most suitable one according to certain criteria. As part of the study, based on the tasks of practical implementation of the regulator on microprocessor devices, the expediency of reducing the transfer function of the model in the process of identifying the control object was confirmed. As a result of research on an experimental setup, it is shown that the use of a three-position relay regulator allows for regulation dynamics at the level of a classic PID regulator. An important result of the research is the stabilization of the turbine rotation speed, which affects the parameters of the electricity generated by the generator. The description of the control object was linearized by constructing a family of transfer functions for the operating points of the control range. For the construction of the turbine rotation speed regulator, the criterion of "minimum fluctuation of the parameter when changing its set value" is proposed. A regulator for a non-linear object with oscillatory features is built, which has a simple implementation and a cycle time of 1 ms. It makes it possible to reduce rotation speed fluctuations to 5 % and minimize the impact of rotation process disturbances

Author Biographies

Heorhii Kulinchenko, Sumy State University

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Computerized Control Systems

Viacheslav Zhurba, Sumy State University

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Computerized Control Systems

Andrii Panych, Sumy State University


Department of Computerized Control Systems

Petro Leontiev, Sumy State University

PhD, Head of Department

Department of Computerized Control Systems


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Development of the method of constructing the expander turbine rotation speed regulator




How to Cite

Kulinchenko, H., Zhurba, V., Panych, A., & Leontiev, P. (2023). Development of the method of constructing the expander turbine rotation speed regulator. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2(2 (122), 44–52.