Defining the prerequisites for effective innovative activity of Ukrainian organizations in the context of acquiring competence on the European market
competent organization, innovative activity of organization, organizational competence, scientific and innovative potential of organization, competitiveness of organization, European integrationAbstract
The object of research is the innovative activity of organizations. Papers that consider the assessment of the benefits of Ukraine's accession to the European Union (EU) ignore innovation activity in the context of acquiring competence for the integration of organizations into the European space. This predetermined the study to assess the state and prerequisites for effective innovation activity of Ukrainian organizations. An uneven concentration of innovative organizations by types of economic activity has been determined, which is explained by imperfect mechanisms for regulating regional development. The negative dynamics of the science intensity of the gross domestic product (GDP) of Ukraine (by 0.32 %), its lowest level among the EU countries (0.99 %) were noted. This makes it impossible to compete with supplier countries of new technologies and products with a high degree of added value. A reduction in the cost of fundamental research and the number of innovative organizations (by 72.09 %), a decrease in the number of employees engaged in scientific research was identified. The smallest amounts of funding for employee training in accordance with EU requirements have been determined, which reduces the competitiveness of the economy.
A distinctive feature of the study is its standpoint of the influence of indicators on the formation of conditions for the acquisition of competence by organizations in the European market. This means the technological renewal of production, intensification of research into the latest areas of science, achievement of intellectual leadership, reorientation of finance to investment in human capital. The results are useful for executives who, on the way to joining the European space, seek to successfully overcome the barriers of the world's largest market owing to organizational competence
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