Іncreasing operating durability of fine-size tool by the method of low-temperature ion implantation


  • Лариса Олександрівна Васецька Rubezhnoye Institute of Chemical Technologies of the Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University Lenina, 31, Rubezhnoye, Luhansk region, Ukraine, 93009, Ukraine




ion implantation, titanium, chromium, modified coating, operating durability


The paper deals with increasing the operating durability of a fine-size tool. Applying this tool has economic benefits for producers since it leads to lower costs of the tool purchased. Using the method of low-temperature implantation, modified coatings of titanium and chromium nitride on tool steel substrates were obtained. Structure and physicomechanical properties of these coatings and their use as protective coatings on fine-size tools were investigated in the paper. Due to properly selected modes (U discharge=400V, I discharge=0.5a, U target=2Q, I target=50mA, U substrate=25kV, 35mA=I substrate, r gas=3.32-10-2Pa) introduced ion dose (5.73-1016 – 6.73-1017 ion/cm2), materials of the target (Ti and Cr) and substrate (R18 and HVG) as a result of experimental researches, high-quality protective coatings were produced, microhardness increased by 2.2-2.5 times. Practical use of research results has revealed an increase in operating durability of fine-size steel tool by 1.5-2 times. Applying ion-plasma treatment allows to produce steels with modified protective coatings and increase the operating durability of fine-size steel tools and small, but those that are key machine parts.

Author Biography

Лариса Олександрівна Васецька, Rubezhnoye Institute of Chemical Technologies of the Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University Lenina, 31, Rubezhnoye, Luhansk region, Ukraine, 93009

Candidate of technical sciences, Senior lecturer

The department of general physics and technical mechanics


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How to Cite

Васецька, Л. О. (2014). Іncreasing operating durability of fine-size tool by the method of low-temperature ion implantation. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 5(5(71), 10–13. https://doi.org/10.15587/1729-4061.2014.27971