Effeciency assessment of IoT devices control with Teletraffic theory





teletraffic theory, queuing theory, IoT devices, network router simulation model, GPSS world


In connection with the global decarbonization program until 2050, the transition to clean green energy, the growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) number, and energy distribution and control across the load are being raised. The relevance of the work is confirmed that there has been significant growth of the industrial IoT for years, significantly changing the mechanism of industrial enterprise management programs. The object of the research is the IoT device control system for efficient energy distribution using a Queuing Theory, namely the Teletraffic Theory. The novelty of the work is that the Teletraffic Theory, which deals with the mathematical modeling and analysis of traffic patterns in communication networks, can be explicitly applied to IoT device control. The authors developed a mathematical model of IoT control using the Teletraffic Theory and, based on it, created a simulation model of a network router and a transition schedule in the "GPSS World" software. The obtained results of the work were 16 states and a balance equation in which all probabilities were found. Probabilities were used to calculate nodes and network characteristics. 100,000 requests from IoT devices coming to two routers were simulated. The study results showed that the first node's load is 63.2 % with an average processing time per transaction of M=1.436 sec., and the load of the second node is 32 % with M=0.914 sec. The created network router model worked with minimal losses during transactions. Accordingly, the IoT control system developed in this study has shown its effectiveness and is applicable for practical use in controlling IoT devices in Smart Grid. It is planned to research the possibility of using Teletraffic Theory in energy distribution control systems in Smart Grids

Supporting Agency

  • The authors of the article express their appreciation to the Department of Telecommunications and Innovative Technologies for the financial support provided in the article's publication. The article was funded by the Telecommunications and Innovative Technologies Department budget in the item

Author Biographies

Madina Konyrova, Almaty University of Power Engineering and Telecommunications named after Gumarbek Daukeyev

PhD Student

Department of Telecommunications and Innovative Technologies

Saule Kumyzbayeva, Almaty University of Power Engineering and Telecommunications named after Gumarbek Daukeyev

PhD, Senior Lecturer

Department of Telecommunications and Innovative Technologies

Teodor Iliev, "Angel Kanchev" University of Ruse

PhD, Associate Professor, Director of the International Students Directorate

Department of Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Automation

Katipa Chezhimbayeva, Almaty University of Power Engineering and Telecommunications named after Gumarbek Daukeyev

PhD Professor

Department of Telecommunications and Innovative Technologies


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Effeciency assessment of IoT devices control with Teletraffic theory




How to Cite

Konyrova, M., Kumyzbayeva, S., Iliev, T., & Chezhimbayeva, K. (2023). Effeciency assessment of IoT devices control with Teletraffic theory. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 3(9 (123), 49–59. https://doi.org/10.15587/1729-4061.2023.281287



Information and controlling system