Development of informational-technological support for designing cutting diagrams of haberdashery parts




rational cutting, cutting schemes, haberdashery


The object of research is the technological process of cutting rectangular materials into haberdashery parts.

The mathematical statement of the problem to find cutting diagrams of rectangular materials for haberdashery parts is given. The structural components of this problem and its mathematical model were described.

A method for implementing the task set is proposed, which includes the following stages:

– generation of layouts;

– generation of a set of permissible sections of one part, from a combination of two parts, and from a combination of three product parts;

– generation of cutting diagrams of rectangular materials for haberdashery parts from a combination of designed sections.

Implementation algorithms have been proposed for each of the stages of the task. The proposed algorithms were used in the development of information technology support for finding cutting diagrams of rectangular materials for haberdashery parts.

The information and technological support that was offered makes it possible to create graphic visualizations of rational cutting schemes and save them in a file. This feature allows automated cutting systems to use information about such schemes.

The developed information technology support was tested on the parts of haberdashery and showed its effectiveness. This information and technological support can be successfully used at haberdashery enterprises in preparatory and cutting production to increase the utilization of material during cutting by 1.5–2.5 %.

Thus, the proposed information and technological support makes it possible to improve the technological process of designing rational schemes of cutting for haberdashery articles

Author Biographies

Viktor Chuprynka, Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Department of Computer Science

Tetiana Demkivska, Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Computer Science

Nataliia Chuprynka, Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design


Department of Computer Science

Ievgen Demkivskyi, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Intelligent Software Systems

Bohdan Naumenko, Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design

Postgraduate Student

Department of Computer Science


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Development of informational-technological support for designing cutting diagrams of haberdashery parts




How to Cite

Chuprynka, V., Demkivska, T., Chuprynka, N., Demkivskyi, I., & Naumenko, B. (2023). Development of informational-technological support for designing cutting diagrams of haberdashery parts . Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 4(1 (124), 118–124.



Engineering technological systems