Identification of patterns of strength formation of concrete using cement Portland Pozzolan (PPC) and waste tire powder in the condition of seawater curing




compressive strength, waste tile powder, portland cement, portland pozzolan


According to the national standard body in Indonesia, the compressive strength of 20 MPa concrete is medium quality concrete. Medium-strength concrete is usually used for floors, light construction, houses, warehouse factories, and sidewalks. The use of medium-strength concrete is very broad, it is necessary to continuously conduct research to produce new innovations. Previous research on the utilization of waste rubber tires has been carried out. Research on the development of concrete with the use of waste tire rubber powder is very interesting to do considering the waste of used tires that continues to increase along with the increase in the number of motorized vehicles in Indonesia. Portland Cement (OPC) and Portland Pozzolan Cement (PPC) are the two types that will be used in this research to see its effect on concrete with waste rubber powder. These two cements also have different corrosion resistance. And seawater is one of the triggers of high concrete corrosion. Research on the development of concrete with the use of waste tire rubber powder is very interesting to do considering the waste of used tires that continues to increase along with the increase in the number of motorized vehicles in Indonesia. Portland Cement (OPC) and Portland Pozzolan Cement (PPC) are the two types that will be used in this research to see its effect on concrete with waste rubber powder. These two cements also have different corrosion resistance. And seawater is one of the triggers of high concrete corrosion.

This study aims to analyze how the compressive strength of PPC concrete compares with OPC and the addition of used tire powder under seawater treatment conditions. Six concrete variants were made and then tested for compressive strength. The compressive strength values of variants 1 to 6 were obtained as 20.78 MPa, 18.26 MPa, 19.56 MPa, 16.58 MPa, 13.03 MPa. The results show that tile powder is not effective in increasing construction strength, but the use of PPC cement is more effective than the use of OPC in improving construction, especially for cement use in buildings close to sea water

Supporting Agency

  • We would like to express our gratitude to the Krisnadwipayana University concrete laboratory team who helped carry out the research and to Imas Gandasari who assisted in the publication of this manuscript.

Author Biographies

Sahat Martua Sihombing, Krisnadwipayana University

Head of Civil Study Programme

Department of Civil Engineering

Dodi Tresna Yudiatna, Krisnadwipayana University

Lecturer of Civil Studies Programme

Department of Civil Engineering


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Identification of patterns of strength formation of concrete using cement Portland Pozzolan (PPC) and waste tire powder in the condition of seawater curing




How to Cite

Sihombing, S. M., & Yudiatna, D. T. (2023). Identification of patterns of strength formation of concrete using cement Portland Pozzolan (PPC) and waste tire powder in the condition of seawater curing. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 5(6 (125), 66–73.



Technology organic and inorganic substances