Discrete electrocardiogram T amplitude detection based on cycle duration





detect the amplitude T, cycle duration base, ECG discrete, electrocardiogram


In each cycle of the electrocardiogram wave there are P, Q, R, S and T amplitudes. Many studies have been conducted to obtain amplitude and QRS waves because they are related to ventricular depolarization, but to obtain T amplitude values related to ventricular repolarization are still rarely done, not even for the clinical standard (12 leads). This study aims to obtain the amplitude T value in each cycle and each electrocardiogram lead. Obtaining the amplitude T position on the reference lead will also find the amplitude T value on the other lead. Each cycle duration obtained from the duration RN to RN+1 is used to obtain the position of the endpoint of each cycle. The maximum value between the amplitude S position and the end point of the cycle is the amplitude T value. The results of research on 10 Physionet sinus rhythm samples and 10 Saiful Anwar Hospital Malang samples show that the duration of the cycle was successful in obtaining the amplitude T value for each lead. All samples can display a value. The amplitude in each cycle, where the values obtained in each cycle are still in normal conditions. The amplitude T value obtained is certainly accurate because there is only one positive value between the amplitude S position and the end of the cycle position. The position of the amplitude integer T found in a cycle in one lead will be the same as the position of the amplitude integer T in the cycle for the other lead. This occurs because of the simultaneous transmission of impulses that affect the atrial and ventricular muscle cells. The position of the amplitude T for each cycle can be found by filtering the maximum amplitude value between the amplitude position S and the final position of the cycle. Practically, this method can be programmed to be added to a digital electrocardiograph

Supporting Agency

  • The author would like to thank the head of the electrical engineering department at Widyagama University Malang for the assistance of the computer laboratory and the director of the Saiful Anwar Hospital Malang for the assistance of examination data.

Author Biography

Sabar Setiawidayat, Widyagama University of Malang

Department of Electrical Engineering


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Discrete electrocardiogram T amplitude detection based on cycle duration




How to Cite

Setiawidayat, S. (2023). Discrete electrocardiogram T amplitude detection based on cycle duration. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 3(9 (123), 94–105. https://doi.org/10.15587/1729-4061.2023.282759



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