Determining the effect of anti-friction additive on the power of mechanical losses in a rotary piston engine




rotary piston engine, mechanical losses, anti-friction additive, pumping stroke


Experimental studies of the effect of adding the antifriction additive Multi-Tech-Conditioner to lubricating oil on the power of mechanical losses of a rotary piston engine were carried out, the purpose of which was to reduce the cost of potential energy of a compressed working fluid to overcome friction forces. The experimental data obtained make it possible to estimate the value of irretrievable losses of the available power of a rotary piston engine at the stage of its design and operation.

Experimentally, a positive effect of the addition of the Multi-Tech-Conditioner antifriction additive to lubricating oil on the change in the power of mechanical losses of the engine was established, which was reflected in a decrease in total losses over the entire operational range of change in the rotor speed by 11.8 %. As a result of the research, it was determined that the losses for pumping strokes (gas exchange) in a rotary piston engine amount to 31.6 % of the total power of mechanical losses.

An assessment was made of change in the mechanical efficiency of a rotary piston engine with a hinged-cam mechanism for converting motion under the conditions of applying an antifriction additive to lubricating oil. It has been established that the addition of the Multi-Tech-Conditioner additive to the lubricating oil in a ratio of 1:14 makes it possible to increase the mechanical efficiency of a rotary piston engine depending on the speed by 3.8–5.5 % for all operating pressures in the inlet receiver.

Based on the generalization and systematization of the obtained experimental data on the use of the Multi-Tech-Conditioner additive, the most rational operating ranges of a new design rotary piston engine were identified. The maximum mechanical efficiency of a rotary piston engine is achieved in the load range of 65...75 % of the rated power, and the speed range is 63...70 %

Author Biographies

Oleksandr Mytrofanov, Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Department of Internal Combustion Engines, Plants and Technical Exploitation

Arkadii Proskurin, Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Internal Combustion Engines, Plants and Technical Exploitation

Andrii Poznanskyi, Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Mechanical Engineering and Manufacturing Engineering

Oleksii Zivenko, Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Marine Instrumentation


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Determining the effect of anti-friction additive on the power of mechanical losses in a rotary piston engine




How to Cite

Mytrofanov, O., Proskurin, A., Poznanskyi, A., & Zivenko, O. (2023). Determining the effect of anti-friction additive on the power of mechanical losses in a rotary piston engine . Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 4(1 (124), 28–34.



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