Identifying directions for improving means of technology transfer safety regulation




technology transfer, technology safety, environmental protection, ecological, technogenic, industrial safety


The object of this study is to determine the essence and ways of improving regulatory prohibitions of environmental, industrial man-made safety within the limits of technology transfer. The existing approaches to the definition and normative registration of methods and techniques for the formation of technology safety requirements have been summarized. It was established that the existing approaches to the definition do not fully meet the needs of state regulation and the requirements of technology transfer subjects. The expediency of improving the existing methods of determining the ecological, industrial, and man-made safety of technologies was substantiated. The definition of technology safety at the level of generalized regulatory structures is proposed, which means a ban on introducing into circulation technologies that cause irreparable changes in the environment, carry a threat of causing harm to life or health, or mass property damage as a result of its proper use. The expediency of introducing the specified normative regulatory structure to international treaties and agreements, as well as to regulatory acts of national legislation, was substantiated. Also, directions for improving current international agreements and contracts in the field of technology transfer were formed by introducing into their content requirements regarding environmental, industrial, man-made safety of technologies, as a mandatory condition for their introduction into circulation.

The research is aimed at forming general theoretical foundations for improving the system of safety identification criteria in the field of technology transfer. The generated research results can be used in the formation of international normative acts, acts of national legislation, and serve as a basis for further scientific research on these issues.

Author Biographies

Oleksandr Davydiuk, Scientific and Research Institute of Providing Legal Framework for the Innovative Development of NALS of Ukraine

PhD, Associate Professor

Iuliia Ostapenko, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University

Doctor of Law, Associate Professor, Assistant

Department of Business Law

Volodymyr Shekhovtsov, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University

Doctor of Law, Professor, Dean of Faculty

Faculty of Advocacy

Iryna Sukhodubova, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University

PhD, Assistant

Department of Theorys Law

Yurii Senyk, West Ukrainian National University; PJSC "Ternopil Dairy Plant"

PhD, Senior Lecturer

Department of Entrepreneurship and Trade

Head of Laboratory

Physical and Chemical Laboratory


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Identifying directions for improving means of technology transfer safety regulation




How to Cite

Davydiuk, O., Ostapenko, I., Shekhovtsov, V., Sukhodubova, I., & Senyk, Y. (2023). Identifying directions for improving means of technology transfer safety regulation. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 5(13 (125), 88–97.



Transfer of technologies: industry, energy, nanotechnology